In the next 16 week course we will study drawing and painting the human form in the academic tradition of the classical atelier. Drawing and painting the figure will be emphasized and will be studied extensively. We will spend the first 8 weeks of the 16 week course drawing the human form, practicing the step-by-step "block-in" process of accurately translating size, proportion, line and turning form with light and shade. We will study from the live model, doing quick gestural studies to long pose complete drawings. In the second 8 weeks we will transition to painting the human figure. Drawing on our extensive knowledge of using dry media, we will study value using grisaille and alla prima poster studies. The practice of color mixing will be strongly emphasized through alla prima color poster studies along with the final form painting method. I will lecture and demonstrate and work closely with you, using constructive critique and encouragement to help you translate with accuracy. Homework will be strongly suggested and will aid in your personal training discipline.
[This class will be held at my home studio or at another location, as the study of the nude figure will be necessary for this phase of the classical study.]
Saturdays: 9:00 – 12:00 or 2:00 – 5:00
Limited to 8 students per class.
June 5 – October 2
NO CLASS ON July 3 or August 14
Tuition: $589 (includes model fee)
Registration through the Fine Arts Institute begins April 26.
Registration through the Fine Arts Institute begins April 26.
Beautiful drawings and paintings for you, too. All the best. Régis.